October 10, 2023 in HUMANITY

When you break, and if you go through life, at some point, you will, on your journey to mending, you must find your gold. Not everyone can be put together the same way; not every scenario requires the same type of gold. This is where you must sit still with all your broken pieces and let them show you what kind of gold you need. This is where you allow yourself to feel the weight of your brokenness as much as possible so that you can gather strength for your mending.

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October 2, 2023 in Utterly Human

Building this brand took a lot more from me than I expected, but it taught me way more than it took. It is literally soul work, and I am infinitely grateful to you for being here. Thank you for supporting me, thank you for making my dreams a reality every single day by interacting with this brand.

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October 1, 2023 in HUMANITY

I think that there is only one way to live; you must be so wholly and truly yourself that it makes other people put down their walls and guards and be themselves too. You must be so authentic and true to yourself that it inspires people to just be who they are.

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